Kuala Lumpur – 2019

After my trip to the Philippines, my last country before returning to Vietnam, I’ll explain later why I returned to Vietnam, I stopped in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Stayed there April 23nd (3AM) to 25th. It was quick, but pretty cool. Full Album here. If you want a nice Airbnb location, look for a place at […]

Philippines – 2019

After Taipei, I moved on to the Philippines for 3 weeks, from April 1st to April 22nd. I visited many places (3 islands, Cebu, Bohol and Palawan), had many issues and at the end I went away with mixed feelings about my stay. Full Album here. I spent the first 3 days near the city […]

75 hours in Taipei – 2019

March 29th to April 1st. A little interruption in the Vietnam blogs, I am going back there soon and didn’t want to do two more posts, so more of Vietnam coming in a few weeks! I was planning to exit Vietnam for a “visa run” and go to Philippines, when I looked into it, a […]

Vietnam – Part 2 – Saigon to Hanoi – 2019

Here it is ! Part 2 of my Vietnam trip. March 19th 2019, I am in the north of Vietnam right now, it’s time to write about the last 6 weeks. What a ride. The journey on the map: After visiting the south I stayed in Saigon for a week, waiting for the Lunar New […]

Vietnam – Part 1 – The South – 2019

February 5th 2019. Writing to you from Saigon, Vietnam after a month, already. I stayed in Saigon for 15 days before leaving for the first part of my road trip around Vietnam. I bought myself a motorbike, helmet, a bag for my stuff (my travel roller case is too big for my motorbike) and started […]

Dubai 2018

January 3rd, 2019. 2018 ended in Dubai and well…. 2019 started there also. I didn’t go there purposely, and I’ll tell you right now after spending 3 days there, I wouldn’t go there purposely, ever. One good thing about Dubai is that it feels really safe. Other than that I felt like it hasn’t much […]

Southern Africa 2018

November 2018. Hi, it’s been a while since my last post….here’s why. Before I left Montreal in May 2018, my family and I decided it would be nice to get together for a family trip in Africa, starting in Cape Town, where my mom and sister would come join me, we’d then fly to Namibia […]

Cape Town to Addo National Park – South Africa

Road trip o’clock! October 8 to 15th 2018. I heard a lot about the Garden route in Western Cape, I looked it up, seemed pretty interesting, I also wanted to see some animals in South Africa, didn’t need more reasons, let’s do this! For the full album, click click! Here’s the route I took on […]


Brazil, September 11 to 27, 2018. A friend came to visit me in Brazil for 2 weeks, my 2 last weeks in South America before going west! We started by meeting in Porto Alegre in the south of Brazil, a pretty standard city, we didn’t really liked it, and on the second day there, after […]

Buenos Aires – Argentina

A Week in Buenos Aires, Argentina, trying to find some light, from August 31st to September 7th 2018. After exploring the Salta province I decided to take a flight to Buenos Aires (the 17 hours of bus from Salta to Buenos Aires wasn’t very appealing to me and the flight was actually cheaper). Here’s the […]