Kuala Lumpur – 2019

After my trip to the Philippines, my last country before returning to Vietnam, I’ll explain later why I returned to Vietnam, I stopped in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Stayed there April 23nd (3AM) to 25th. It was quick, but pretty cool.

Full Album here.

If you want a nice Airbnb location, look for a place at Regalia Suites, there’s many options in that huge apartment complex, but make sure the room/apartment includes pool access, that’s the main reason to stay there, here’s the view from it:



Only spent about one hour total there but if you are looking for a cool spot, this is it. I then walked around the city, had some street food and went on to see the main attraction of the city…



The main attraction is obliviously not that juice stand but the Petronas Twin Towers… you can also go up this telecom tower, the highest in Asia from what I was told:



These towers were pretty cool too:



Waiting for sunset to photograph the twin towers I had some fun with their reflections:



Sunset wasn’t very impressive…



But the blue hour was pretty nice:



There’s other things to see in the city, such as the Batu Caves, the caves are great but the stairs that go up to the caves are a big as part of the fun:




Many monkeys will also entertain you on the way up:



Very colorful place:



There’s also a temple in the caves:



and more stairs:




It’s touristic but a nice different and cool place to visit, I then went on to the main plaza, around Dataran Merdeka you will find a lot of historic buildings, mosques and more:



There was lots of construction when I was there, I felt like I was back in my hometown, Montreal:




My Grab driver told me that white building was the first “skyscraper” built in Kuala Lumpur:





The place where two rivers merge, you can see the color difference between the two sources:





Visited one of the mosques in the area, not much to see there:




Creepy marketplace in Chinatown:



Random buildings:



It was already my last night there and time to go back to the Petronas Twin Towers for some pictures I had to do for a client and other random pictures of the towers:



From the other side:



From the main intersection corner:



Ok, enough with the towers, last thing I did in KL was to enjoy Alor Street Food Night Market, there’s many different choices of foods, locals say it’s overpriced but it’s not so bad for such a place:





I payed 47 Malaysian Ringgits (15$CDN) for this (Beer, 10 Satays, 6 wings) :



Locals seem to enjoy the place too:




I was told Kuala Lumpur doesn’t have much too offer, I thought it was pretty nice and probably would’ve stayed there longer if I would’ve known before. Anyway it was only an extra stop on my little Asia tour from Vietnam.

If you have the chance to do a stop over, go for it!