Laguna 69 – Peru

June 26th, 2018. Last day in Huaraz, I haven’t been to the most popular attractions of the area, Laguna 69. Let’s do this, wake up at 4:30, get picked up at 5AM and we go to Huascaran National Park once again. We stop for breakfast and at 9:20 we are at the trail head. It’s […]

Laguna Churup – Peru

June 13th 2018, it was time for a little hike up to Laguna Churup! The Laguna is located about 3km from Pitec, you can reach Pitec by collectivo and then go up the trail to the Laguna Churup. The hike is about 2 jours and 600 meters elevation. From 3850 meters to 4450 meters. It’s […]

Laguna de Llanganuco – Peru

June 11, 2018. Here’s some picture of a quick trip to Laguna de Llanganuco. Nice laguna, but not the best one to visit if you are in the area for a short time. Full album here. First we stopped in old Yungay, where a 1970 earthquake completely destroyed the city, well it actually covered it with […]

Pastoruri Glacier – Peru

Today it was time for a quick trip to Pastoruri Glacier, the glacier is about 3 hours from Huaraz by car/transport, the glacier is in the Huascaran National Park, on the south part of the park. Once you get to the parking lot you have to walk about 2km (45 minutes) from 4800 meters to 5000 […]

Laguna Paron – Peru

Laguna Paron, what can be said other then, WOW. The laguna is located high in the mountains at 4200 meters, you can get there with a tourist agency or by yourself , first you need to get to Caraz and then hire a  taxi up to the laguna, as of June 2018, the fee to […]