Laguna 69 – Peru

June 26th, 2018. Last day in Huaraz, I haven’t been to the most popular attractions of the area, Laguna 69. Let’s do this, wake up at 4:30, get picked up at 5AM and we go to Huascaran National Park once again. We stop for breakfast and at 9:20 we are at the trail head. It’s […]

Laguna Paron – Peru

Laguna Paron, what can be said other then, WOW. The laguna is located high in the mountains at 4200 meters, you can get there with a tourist agency or by yourself , first you need to get to Caraz and then hire a  taxi up to the laguna, as of June 2018, the fee to […]

O’ahu, Hawaii

Another impromptu trip, this time a week on the island of O’ahu, Hawaii! From January 21st to January 27th 2018. Complete album. It was amazing, wish I could’ve stayed longer and see much, much more, I’ll be back one day to visit the other islands. On the morning after I got there, I decided to […]