Sri Lanka, Wonder of Asia

The main attraction of our trip to Asia was Sri Lanka, 2 weeks of adventures. From June 14 to June 27 2017.

It’s not recommended to drive in Sri Lanka and I can see why! You have to understand the local way of driving before getting into a car and driving by yourself.

Here’s the tour we did :


Complete Album.

We landed at Colombo International Airport, which is actually in Negombo. We slept there and left early in the morning with a driver to Dickoya.

Dickoya is a town in the Nuwara Eliya District, which is the region where you can see mountains and many tea plantations. Here are some pictures from the area.

Monkeys roaming by the road.

There are many falls in the area, St. Clair’s Falls.

This one is Devon Falls, where you can walk down and find an Hindu temple.

Some colorful dresses.

Tea workers.

Sri Lanka is full of artificial lakes (reservoirs) made by the government. Agriculture is one of the main revenue resources so it is important to have lots of water for that. This is Castlereigh Reservoir, view from the Farm Resorts where we stayed the first night

View of our cabana.

People in Sri Lanka are probably the nicest people I’ve met so far. This was my first real encounter with locals, hard-working tea workers around the Farm Resorts

The next day we decided to move on to the city of Ella, on the way there, we came across beautiful Nuwara Eliya (The City).

Ella was nice, we hiked to little Adam’s Peak, the hike is about 45 minutes, pretty easy.

Puppy sleeping at the top of the peak.

Beautiful views from up here.

The next day we visited the Demodara Nine Arch Bridge.

Incoming train.

In the afternoon, we visited another waterfall. On the way there, we saw even more beautiful landscapes and monkeys.

This is Ravana Ella Falls.

At the end of the day we visited Ella Rock, this one is a little harder to climb, view isn’t as nice and you need a guide. If you only wish to visit one, go to little Adam’s Peak.

Locals having a beer.

You have to follow a train rail to get there.

Our Tuk Tuk driver that day.

The next day it was time for the train ride, from Ella to Kandy, one of the most beautiful train rides in the world from what I’ve read, not sure about that but it was certainly nice.

The Train.

Along the way…

Tea for miles.

Local kids asking for stuff at a train station.

Hard worker waiting for the train to go by.

Amazing landscape!

Ongoing Cricket game.

Finally made it to Kandy, after more than 7 hours in the train, an amazing ride but a little long nonetheless.

This is a random nice guy that showed us around the city. He didn’t want any money or food. He simply wanted to show us Sri Lanka.

Top view of Kandy.

In big cities like that you see more poverty and people in pain.

And also some entertainment, one happy family, cobra, monkey and there was also a huge python.

Monk at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, a very important temple in Sri Lanka and Buddhism History.

The next day we drove up to Sigiriya, an amazing temple along the way.

The details were stunning.

Before going to our hotel in Sigiriya we stopped at the Dambulla Cave Temple.

Very impressive, next stop was our hotel, where we were greeted by many monkeys, a family with multiple babies was right outside our rooms.

The next morning, we visited Lion Rock (Many people call it Sigiriya rock but the proper name is Lion Rock).

Almost at the top.

Views from the top.

It’s a nice touristy place to visit, just make sure you don’t take pictures when there is a sign telling you not too, you could be in trouble, don’t ask me how I know!!

More snake charmers getting out of Lion Rock.

Beautiful beast.

We got to our hotel and wandered around and found the local touring elephant. I do not approve this kind of animal use but it is what it is, it’s still a beautiful animal.

The Kandalama Reservoir.

The Heritance Kandalama hotel where we stayed, pretty nice place.

The next day we pretty much took a day off and the day after that, we drove to the coast off to Arugam Bay. Along the way, our driver stopped at some random bridge where a local was feeding water monitor for the entertainment of tourist (aka me!) to take some pictures.

Another city another temple

Made to Arugam Bay, very nice surfer town with good vibes.

Tuk Tuk inception.

Eveything is very clean in Sri Lanka, this is the national sport I think


Two new friends working in a local shop.

This is the view from the cabana we rented on airbnb, Emma Beach Bar & Restaurant.

We stayed there for 2 days, mostly beaching, surfing and relaxing. We went to Peanut Beach to surf and take some pictures.

The next day, we were on our way to Yala to visit the National Park for a Safari.

Park entrance.

In the park.

The park is right along the coast.

Wild buffalo.

Everyone has to ride in the local business trucks. You can’t drive your own vehicle here.

First elephant we saw in the park, it was pretty far.

Beautiful scenery.

Tired people, trying to find a leopoard.

Huge croc

We saw an elephant family up close.

We went back to the hotel for a quick visit of the beach, which was very nice.

This is Yoda Lake.

Random rice plantation along the way to Mirissa.

Mirissa Paradise Beach Club.

Big Marriott Hotel in Weligama. Approaching Colombo, you can spot bigger hotels and chains.

Fish market along the road.

This is a local stilt fisherman, stilt fisherman is still something some people do in Sri Lanka, mostly for tourists money.

Mirissa Beach again.

Our driver bought this freshly caught octopus for diner. We ate it later that evening at the hotel restaurant in Unawatuna where they prepared the octopus for us.

The beach in Unawatuna.

Another beach nearby.

Locals buying fish.

We then visited Galle, a very historical and important town in Sri Lanka’s History.


This is a pagoda gift from Japan to Sri Lanka to honor the tsunami victims.

Nearby there’s a very local and festive beach called Jungle Beach, the walk to get there is beautiful.

The next day we visited Hikkaduwa, we went out of the tourist path to visit tsunami remains, very sad.

This Bhudda statue is another beautiful memorial for the victims of the tsunami.

Hikkaduwa beach.

Behind the HikkaTranz by Cinnamon hotel there’s a lot of turtles. Local hustlers feed them to attract them to shore for tourists pleasure.

The turtle whisperer.

The beach.

The turle food.

Amazing animal.

Sunset behind the HikkaTranz by Cinnamon Hotel.

The next day was the last. Direction: Colombo Airport. We stopped along the way in the turtle refuge: Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project.

The eggs.

We then drove to Colombo for quick stop.

The Lotus Tower, under construction.

The Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque, very beautiful.

Local businesses.

Locals just having a chat

The colorful delivery trucks.


Local market.

Tuk Tuk party.

We then stopped in Negombo where we bought tea and drove around waiting for our flight.

This is it, Sri Lanka was amazing, the people are extremely friendly, the country is clean and a lot of different things to visit. The food was good but not many choices if you want to eat local.


If you need a local driver you can contact: or his business