Reserva nacional de Paracas – Peru

Hello, I am in Peru right now and decided to spend about 24 hours in the Reserva nacional de Paracas.

I spent the night in the park, in my car, from May 17th to May 18th, wanted to capture the milky way and be there for sunrise.

It’s well worth the visit, also note that you will be fine driving around in a car, there’s a nice path and even if you go off the road into the dunes, most places have very hard soil which is fine even with a small FWD car.

Complete album here.

Some of my favorites here:

Playa Lira

Me chilling by the cliff of Playa Lira

Nearby Dunes

The milky way at around 9PM

La Catedral the next morning, it use to be a rock with a whole in it but the 2007 earthquake destroyed it

Playa Yumaque

A Park ranger coming my way

Huge rock looking like a pebble in this huge space

Playa Yumaque

Playa Roja

Fishereman in the bay doing his thing

Flamingos near the entrace of the park