Machu Picchu – Peru

July 18th, 2018.

It was time for the biggest and sometimes what seems like the only attraction in Peru, the Machu Picchu!

Full Album here.

We decided in the morning before that we wanted to visit the Picchu so it was pretty hectic to get there.

At noon we booked a Train ticket with PeruRail for 3:27PM from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes and a return ticket with Inca Trail the next day a 7pm. We got our Picchu tickets for the afternoon tour, you can be there from noon to 5pm.

Got a taxi to go back to our apartment in Cusco, asked him if he could bring us to Ollantaytambo, sure no problem, he wanted 70 soles, which is a decent price.

Around 12:45PM off we go, Google Maps says 1h45 to get there, usually Google Maps is pretty good with times. 30 Minutes in I check my Google Maps and that taxi driver is going the other way… he says there’s another way to get there, don’t worry you’ll be there in time! Ok …

Well we didn’t, we got there at 3:30PM and our train had already left ! No refund nothing they can do, all trains with PeruRail are booked… we can wait for the next day or check with the other train company that goes there, IncaTrail, 4:21PM there’s 2 seats available, let’s do this!

We finally got to Aguas Calientes!

Next day, time to go up the trail, 1h30 hike with 1h of stairs basically. This is the view from the Aguas Calientes of the Urubamba River:



When you get to this sign, go left, you need to show your Machu Picchu ticket and passport:



We went right, the wrong way if you’re going to Machu Picchu but the right way if you decided to come to Aguas Calientes by bus and taxi and walking on the train rails and want to back! (google it if you want to save a lot of money, much cheaper but much longer).

Here’s another view of the Urubamba River:



The trail up to the Macchu Picchu:



Crazy views along the way:




Oh yeah, if you want to spend another 14$US and wait for hours in a lineup to go up to the Machu Picchu in a bus, that’s an option, this is the lineup to go back down:



The view as you cross the gates of the actual site:



And finally, the amazing Machu Picchu, yes it is busy, touristy, kinda of a money scam in my opinion but it is VERY IMPRESSIVE ! It’s so amazing to think that they build that up there such a long time ago, it is surreal! I wasn’t sure I wanted to go but when I got there I was very happy I did!





Smiling friend:




El amigos up top:



Not sure what’s going on with my jeans and not sure why I decided to go up with my jeans…



The surroundings:



So yeah, just go if you are in the area but don’t make your trip to Peru only about this place, Peru has so much to offer, check my other posts to see what 😉