La Paz – Bolivia

La Paz, Bolivia. From August 6 to 11, 2018.

Full album here.

Here’s an overview of my stay in La Paz, the first day, August 6th, I mostly wandered around without my camera and discovered the city a little. I was surprise to see the teleférico, I had not idea La Paz had that transport system in the city. It’s basically their subway system but high above the ground!

It is pretty impressive, 7 different lines in the city for a total of 23km as of August 2018.

In the evening I wanted to see sunset from a viewpoint, the city is a huge viewpoint, you just have to go up a little and you have an amazing view.

I called a Uber and went up to Pampahasi Alto Mirador Park, here’s the result:


The next day, I still didn’t take any pictures until sunset, I went up to the red line of the teleférico where you get to a neighborhood called, El Alto, at close to 4100 meters, walked down to a mirador called, Mirador Autopista, I didn’t know it but I was told, afterwards,  it’s a dangerous place to hangout in the evening/night, oh well I was lucky, nothing happened, here’s the pictures:








The next day I  went to El Mercado de las brujas “The Witches Market” and Calle Jaen, both were a little underwhelming in my opinion but still worth a visit. Here’s some pictures around El Mercado de las brujas:











Now, in this part of the world, it seems that Llama fetuses are somehow a lucky charm, so there’s a lot of those in the witches market, you can see some very small ones here:




And bigger ones here:



Other random vendors:






The old school buses of Bolivia:




Love the contrast of the modern life and traditional dresses and ways of life:




Calle Jaen




Some more streets around the center of the city:






The National Congress of Bolivia






The next day I went to the Feria de 16 de Julio in El Alto, I  didn’t bring my camera because I was told it wasn’t a good idea, but I highly recommended going there to see what a real local market looks like, the fair is HUGE, more than 100 blocks. There’s a lot of stuff for sale, used, stolen or fake stuff mostly but it’s very entertaining, the fair is only Thursday and Sunday.

Here’s two cellphone pictures from the blue line teleférico:




Anyway in the evening I  went up the Yellow teleférico for this view:







That’s it for La Paz, loved the city and the views around it. The last day I went to Valle de las Animas, I will do a separate post for that place.