Hong Kong (and Macao)

Last stop before returning home from Asia, Hong Kong! and an afternoon in Macao.

Complete album.

We were there for 3 days. I had a pretty bad feeling about Hong Kong but it was actually quite amazing.

Lots of food hanging in the streets of Hong Kong

There’s a nice mix of nature and buildings downtown, buildings are pretty cool too.

Bamboo scaffolds.

Colorful temple.

Outdoor kitchen.

The tramway system in the city is very nice.

Views of the city from Victoria Harbour.

The next day we decided to take a field trip to Tai Long Wan!

Corner garage on the way to the subway.

The subway is clean and efficient.

Just a cow in the city.

Hummmm ??

After the subway a little taxi ride was needed to get to the hiking path.

5 minutes into the hike you understand why you took the subway for 45 minutes and the taxi for 15 minutes.

First stop, the beach at Ham Tin Wan

If you don’t have time to waste there’s an helipad.

Pretty amazing place, about an hour and half from downtown Hong Kong, using the slowest transport options.

Keep walking up the hill and you are greeted by this amazing view of Sai Kung beach

There’s a little restaurant for a little break and refreshments, accessible by this very safe bridge

We stayed at the beach for a while and took the boat to get back, it was so hot we didn’t feel like hiking. Back in the city.

Quick appetizer before dinner

Went to Mong Kong to take shots of the sign, get some food and visit the market

The next day we slept for a bit and then we went to Macao which is about a 1hour boat ride from Hong Kong, being Portuguese I wanted to see what Macao was all about.

The view from out hotel room

Tuned up minivans everywhere

Downtown Macao, mini Las Vegas

You can feel the Portuguese heritage all over the place but there’s no one speaking Portuguese in the streets.


The famous facade of the church that was burned down

Old and Newish

Nice building

Inside one of the hotels, pretty nice

The next day was the last one in Hong Kong, walked around and did some shopping

Little girl hustling at the market

Food drying in the street

Everything is dried up

Lambo in HK

Lots of streetart around town

Amazing light entering a temple

Quarry bay apartments

Hong Kong was great, great people, great food, great nightlife and a clean city, I was very impressed and would love to go back someday.